
Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Deadlands Game

Played in the very beginning of a Deadlands game.  In addition to pencils, dice, and the like, my backpack contains the player's guide, Fire & Brimstone, Hexarcana, and a Bible.

Guess what type of character I'm playing?

Good first session.  Mysterious and creepy events happened.  Laughter also happened.  I coughed a lot because my character is 72 years old.  With a lung infection.  In 1877.

Creepy letters get us to meet one another.  A fallen Southern belle, a journalist, a mysterious drifter, a priest.  A creepy train gets us to...St. Louis, currently.  We'll end up in San Francisco, eventually, when there isn't so much broken track.  Or so many dead priests.

Edit: I added some notes regarding this first game, which you may read here.


  1. "A fallen Southern belle, a journalist, a mysterious drifter, a priest" ... you know put that way, we DO sound like an ensemble cast for some new show.

    Let's just hope it isn't a Whedon production on Fox.
