
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Roll for Random Monsters

I saw this meme over at Monsters and Manuals, and decided to participate.  No stats provided, as these can be system-less for now.  Maybe I'll write these up eventually.

Apparently, I have an aquatic theme.

Bog Suck Bass
Despite the name, this creature isn't anything terrible special; they're just especially large leeches.  The gnome who first reported them muttered something about "bog suck bass" before losing consciousness.

Brittle Tail Salmon
These long-lived salmon keep to the sea for prolonged periods, only spawning once a century.  These salmon are capable of regenerating from all but the most grievous of wounds.  If caught, a brittle tail salmon can speak, and will answer any question.  However, their tails are quite brittle (as the name suggests), and if the fish is damaged as it is brought aboard, it will place some form of curse on the fisherman before escaping.

Ring Stalker Coral
These intricate, colorful corals form large rings underwater (the largest recorded, in the Sea of Renanos, measured approximately two miles in diameter).  They are named not only for their penchant of forming rings, but for their other behavior.  Unlike other corals, ring stalker corals are not completely calcified, and will slowly gather around prey.  Once in position, they move with great swiftness, attempting to bind and crush prey.  They are intelligent enough to recognize when prey is drowning, and they will attempt to use that to their advantage.

Whisker Coral
The colorful whisker coral is (thankfully) stationary, instead forming something of an underwater hazard.  These corals send out long filaments covered in specialized structures similar to nematocytes.  Supposedly, the sting of a whisker coral is incredibly painful, but few know this because it typically causes paralysis and necrosis of the flesh.  Whisker coral have been noted to paralyze prey, attack it with several "whiskers," and then draw it near the reef for digestion.  This digestion occurs externally, meaning that remains may be found within the vicinity of a whisker coral around the time of a feeding.  Some creatures have formed a mutualistic relationship with the coral, becoming immune to its venom so that they can feed upon the prey it digests.

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