
Friday, September 30, 2011

Foiled Again!

I appear to have contracted some horrid respiratory ailment, so my week of roleplaying is ended abruptly.

Though I will not be attending the Dunwich Experiment, I may still post any pictures that appear with my own commentary, probably having nothing to do with the actual picture.

I'll post the writeup for the game, though, as it sounds super-keen.

In January of 1970, American International Pictures along with producer Roger Corman brought to theaters an adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Dunwich Horror". Attempting to drum up publicity in anticipation of the film's release, AIP held a write-in contest with 5 winners chosen to survive a weekend in the actual town of Dunwich, Massachusetts. In October of 1969, those 5 winners and their friends, along with several AIP employees and special guests, boarded a bus from Boston to Dunwich. What took place over the next 48 hours is, to this day, not completely known. When the film finally released, moviegoers had completely forgotten about the contest and the fate of the winners.

When AIP was sold to Filmways, Inc. in 1979, police investigation records regarding the Dunwich Horror contest were discovered and leaked. These records state that several members of the AIP group did not return to Boston after the weekend was over and had not been seen in the following weeks. Additionally, some who returned were apparently injured, though the reports don't go into detail. Survivors of that weekend have since been unwilling to speak to investigators regarding their experiences and what happened to those who never returned.

The Dunwich Experiment is their story.

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