
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blog Post Aggregation

So I happened to come across a couple of notable blog posts.

This post at Tears of Envy gives a link to Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor as well as a College Humor video about the same topic.  I was never the sort to get up in arms about that sort of thing, but at the same time, I don't think I've ever had a female NPC (or PC, for that matter) in revealing armor.  So there you go.  The link, above, is also just a good resource for images of medieval/fantasy women, so if you need a good character reference picture, you might as well look around there.

Looking around on Women Fighters in Reasonable Armor then brought me to the D&D for Dads series at Art by Stowe.  This is a series of resources to bring D&D to children ten and younger, a topic about which I have previously written.  You can also get a pdf file of some sheets at this megaupload link, though I have not yet had the opportunity to examine the document itself.

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