
Saturday, March 17, 2012

M. A. R. Barker

In case you haven't heard, another giant in the RPG hobby, Professor Muhammad Abd-al-Rahman Barker passed away yesterday.  He was eighty-two.

As usual, I've got nothing to say that a thousand people haven't already said on the subject, likely more eloquently than I.  Go read some of the links if you're interested:

GROGNARDIA: RIP: M.A.R. Barker (1929-2012)

Hill Cantons: M.A.R. Barker has Passed to the Isles
Hereticwerks: A Titan Passes...
Porky's Expanse: Glimmers through a darkness ebb
Swords & Stitchery: The Loss of Professor M. A. R. Barker
Harvard's Blackmoor Blog: M.A.R Barker (November 3, 1929 - March 16, 2012) Rest in Peace

And check out the official press release from the Tékumel Foundation.

For my part, Tékumel is a setting I have only explored a little, but it sounds pretty neat.  You should check it out; the original manuscript is over on Drive Thru RPG (I have yet to purchase it because I'm still holding out for the maps and print-on-demand options).

1 comment:

  1. R. I. P. Prof. Barker.

    For those interested in EoPT:

    The various editions of Empire(and other Tékumel products) are officially available in print from Tita's House Of Games here.

    The Different Worlds reprint of TSR's Box Set is essentially the same as the original, and pretty cheap: $24.95 + 5.95 s/h!

    I'm just getting into Tékumel myself, and I am also waiting for the POD options, especially the maps. I wish I'd discovered EoPT years back. :-(
