
Friday, March 9, 2012


I'm not one for memes, but I was tagged by Jedediah, and you should probably be reading Book Scorpion's Lair (books, role-playing and randomness), Ook, she wrote (an ecology photoblog), and Of Rats and Gangs (the Shadowrun replays noted on Book Scorpion's Lair have their own blog, written as an in-character journal).

If none of those interest you, what in the Hell are you doing reading my blog?


The Rules Are:

1. You must post the rules.
2. post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag eleven bloggers, however, you can break the rules and tag fewer people if you want. Make sure you hyperlink their names/blogs.
5. Let them know you've tagged them - it's good manners ;)
6. Enjoy and have fun with it.

1. If you could choose three people to game with (any at all: fictional, real, famous ect.), who would that be?
Stephen Colbert, Snoop Dogg, and Irene Adler.  Why, you ask?  Stephen Colbert has familiarity with the game, Snoop Dogg would probably have a blast (seriously, Snoop Dogg always projects an aura of having fun), and Irene Adler outwitted Sherlock Holmes.  She would either be the most interesting player or the most annoying; it's difficult to say.

2. What's the most weird thing you have ever eaten?
Everything I've eaten makes sense to me.  I guess I'll go with fried pickles, as my response was typical of the responses I've seen — initial suspicion followed by immediate acceptance.

3. Name the three most important things to have in case of zombie attacks.
It depends on the zombie.  I'll go with clean water, clean food, and plenty of wood — fighting zombies never seems as important as outlasting zombies.

4. Whats top of your bucket list?
I don't have a bucket list.

5. What's the most weird character concept you have ever come across, as a GM or player (feel free to include your own)?
I always get back to the eccentric newspaperman who wanted to disprove religion.  He had a missing eye but frequently wouldn't wear an eyepatch.  Sadly, I never ran that game.

6. Dracula or Frankenstein? Why?
As much as I love Dracula, it's all about Frankenstein's monster.  Shelley's original creation is some alchemical god, super-strong and hyper-intelligent.  He'd be likable if he didn't have all the daddy issues.

7. If you could choose any movie at all to see on the big screen (again or for the first time), which one would that be?
Lawrence of Arabia.  I'd imagine it's impossible to go wrong with a Lean epic.

8. Where did you buy your first dice?
My very first set (Vampire: the Masquerade d10s) was a gift, but I know they came from Colzac Comics.  The first set I bought came from a gaming store a nearby mall; I was out on a random outing and recalled that a friend of mine worked at said store.  I can't remember the name of the store for the life of me.  Both of these stores are now defunct.

9. You're offered a day on a holodeck. What do you create?
I'm running my next Cthulhu LIVE game, obviously.

10. Time travel: what would be your destination of choice?
You know, time travel seems like more of a hassle than an adventure, so I'm not sure I'd want to deal with it.  That having been said, I talked about the Colonial era earlier in the week, so that could be interesting.  For that matter, I've heard a tale about a Man in Black visiting the Continental Congress.  I want to see if that's true.

11. If you had to choose a RPG system to live in, what would that be?
I guess I'll go with Unknown Armies.  It sounds about right.

And now, my turn:
1. You can pick up to five players, living or dead, to populate your gaming group.  What is your dream gaming group?
2. What is your favorite role-playing game?
3. What is your favorite role-playing game you've never had the chance to play/run?
4. Do you prefer to play or GM?
5. What is your favorite novel?
6. What is your favorite author?
7. What is your personal Appendix N?  Give three (quick) examples.
8. What was your first role-playing session like?
9. Do you listen to music while gaming, and if so, what band(s) do you choose?
10. How did you meet your current gaming group?
11. What is your favorite gaming moment to date?

You!  I'm going to do this self-serve: if you like the questionnaire and want to pass the chain, then you're officially tagged.  Answer the questions either on your own blog or in the comments.


  1. Oh hell, why not. I'm a meme whore.

    1. You can pick up to five players, living or dead, to populate your gaming group. What is your dream gaming group?
    Stephen Fry, Sarah Bernhardt, Brian Blessed, Tim Powers, King Charles Stuart II.

    2. What is your favorite role-playing game?
    As I have the most exposure to it, World of Darkness, old school. New is fine as well, but original WoD is where it all began for me, so I'll always have a spot in my heart for it.

    3. What is your favorite role-playing game you've never had the chance to play/run?
    Serenity. Working on it.

    4. Do you prefer to play or GM?
    At the moment, PC, as I have never GM'd a damn thing in my life.

    5. What is your favorite novel?
    A Wrinkle In Time. I read it so many times that my first copy fell apart.

    6. What is your favorite author?
    Oscar Wilde, a-duh. But of the moment, Tim Powers. He is made of awesome.

    7. What is your personal Appendix N? Give three (quick) examples.
    Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles series
    "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde
    "Preacher" by Garth Ennis

    8. What was your first role-playing session like?
    I can't remember specifically. I remember the first session I ever sat in to observe, before I properly joined ImpCity. It happened in your parents' living room, and Evan's and Paul's characters were getting into some mischief, running from some d00dz. Evan's character ran out of options, I suppose, and started wailing on something with his slipper. It might have been a statue. I asked you how quickly could I join.

    9. Do you listen to music while gaming, and if so, what band(s) do you choose?
    I will listen to certain music to get into character, and each character has their own eclectic mix. I am especially fond of the mix for my Promethean character. Lots of Imogen Heap, with special appearances by Kip Dynamite (the Technology Song) and The Folksmen (Never Did No Wanderin, from A Mighty Wind). When playing, I prefer instrumental music, unless a lyric piece is especially appropriate.

    10. How did you meet your current gaming group?
    Which one?! Our long-term D&D is comprised entirely of my coworkers. Other groups of the moment are made up of people I've known for a while, and met through various channels, mostly other friends.

    11. What is your favorite gaming moment to date?
    Not just a moment, but an event - the night Impreial City ended. Everybody (except Paul!) came back, we beat the Big Bad, everything was awesome. Fact: I videotaped a significant portion of that night.

  2. Thank you for playing and for linking!
    Snoop Dog, what a brilliant choice. Also I'd join Nicole's group with Stephen Fry and Brian Blessed in a hurry, that would be something to see.
