
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wednesday Werk: Crudiv

In this week's Wednesday Werk, we'll look at the Crudiv.

The Crudiv is a fungal stalker possessed of extrasensory perception.  The creatures are typically drawn into conflict because their spores only germinate in dead tissue, and because attacking is the best way to infect a creature with their spores.

The Baron Lee van Hook has attempted to study the creatures, but thus far, has only encountered the dead remains of sporelings.  Evidently, mature specimens are canny enough to flee combat.  He has made precious little headway from dead sporeling remains other than determining that they are likely further examples of his "carnophytes."

If Crudiv suspect the presence of nearby creatures, they will attempt to hide and attack from ambush.  They always open with Tendril Lash and then typically use a found weapon for the rest of combat; this specimen fights with a Scavenged Battleaxe.  Crudiv will attempt to make effective use of cover and flanking, as well as attacking from hidden positions if possible.  If pressed or otherwise boxed in, they will attempt to use Sporic Rebuke to attack and escape.  Crudiv only fight to the death if escape is impossible; otherwise, they attempt to flee if one of their number is bloodied or killed, or if combat takes more than a couple of rounds.

Any creature that is exposed to Crudiv spores must make a saving throw at the end of the encounter.  Failure indicates the target contracts Crudiv Spores at stage 1.

Crudiv Spores, Level 2 Disease
Fungal filaments grow inside your body.
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.
Stage 1: The target loses a healing surge.  If the target is reduced to 0 hit points, place four Crudiv Sporelings in unoccupied squares adjacent to the target, and the target moves to stage 0.
Stage 2: If the target is reduced to 0 hit points, place four Crudiv Sporelings in unoccupied squares adjacent to the target, and the target moves to stage 0.
Stage 3: If the target is reduced to 0 hit points, place four Crudiv Sporelings in unoccupied squares adjacent to the target, and the target moves to stage 0.
9 or lower: The stage of the disease increases by one.
10-12: No change.
13 or higher: The stage of the disease decreases by one.

Astute observers might note the insidiousness of this disease; once at stage 2 or 3, the target no longer realizes that he or she is still infected.  Devious GMs might make the Endurance/Heal check for the target in secret, so that the player never truly knows whether the infection is gone or not.

And now, Crudiv Sporelings:

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